At this point, it becomes relevant that Jan and John and their son Tim are building a house at Kingfisher Bay. Just after we'd left Imbil, the first phone call came in from the plumber. He needed to book the barge and the barge booking person wasn't answering her phone or returning messages. This meant Jan spent most of the morning not relaxing, but on the phone, or on speaker phone while we drove along. When we reached Tiaro, she called the plumber again, as she had actually brought some materials to deliver to him at home in Tinana.
Do you know that on that stretch of the Bruce Highway, there are trivia question on billboards to keep drivers awake? Q. What is the longest river in Queensland? On to Tinana, while learning more about the difficulties of building on an island. More phone calls to and between plumber and builder, delivery of the hardware, and finally we could head for Maryborough and food. After a quick lunch at the local shopping centre, we headed for the Salvos. It is a small shop, but they had CDs for half price. Judging by the one they were playing (Perry Como's tone deaf cousin perhaps?) they would have been better off just giving them away.
Back at Kingfisher Bay, the calls continued off and on for the next three days. Jan would go pale when she saw the plumber's number pop up on the display. It turned out the woman who was not answering the phone, and who the resort declared was definitely on duty, was actually on annual leave that day. Eventually the workers made it to Fraser, their accommodation worked out, and they were able to get onto barges back to the mainland.
Many good clothing purchases had been made, but as we were posing for the fashion show, my camera batteries ran out. I dived into the camera bag, which I had brought only because it contained spare batteries, to discover that I had used them for something else.
We voted Vinnies at Gympie the best shop of the day; the Little Shop of Horrors was the worst. My total spend for the day was $34.50.
A.The Flinders River.
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