Childers and a Crisis
You can't pass through Childers and not have a Mammino ice cream. They are thick and rich and wonderfully yummy. They are made at the Mammino farmhouse in Lucketts Road, just east of town. There is a big parking area, a small shop and a big undercover area where you may lick away to your heart's delight.
I managed to take a photo of the three of us by positioning the camera on the corner of our table. I chose Passionate Passionfruit and I know one of the others was Ginger and Macadamia.
With tummies full and nervy teeth jumping from the cold, we left Mammino's, Jo turned the car onto the Bruce Highway, and we headed homeward past countless op shop untouched. The only one I know that actually opens on a Sunday is in Imbil, Jo's home town.
As we approached Tiaro (which I must report now has a set of traffic lights!), Jo asked if anyone would be interested in a diversion through Gundiah and a look at the Dickabram Bridge. Would I what?! The Dickabram Bridge is famous in our four-wheel-drive club since a trip many years ago got lost and found it by mistake. So we turned south-west and our first stop was the Gundiah Pub. It is a little cutie and as I reached for my camera to photograph it, I realised I had a problem. Where was the camera? We just about turned out the car looking for it. Then I remembered the group shot at Mammino.
Luckily, there was a phone tower nearby so I had reception. I googled 'Mammino' and rang the number. No, there was no camera there. A second phone call: no, it isn't in the car park. I left my mobile number with her and grimly photographed the pub with my phone. 'You are incorrigible!' says Jo. It was time for the Dickabram Bridge...
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