Once I had shown the girls Grafton Gaol and the corner of it that was previously the location of my grandmother's shop, we left Grafton, not via the highway, but the more peaceful Southgate Road. I had planned a little surprise on this part of the route. Jan was studying the map closely and looking more and more puzzled as we approached Lawrence. 'The bridge isn't marked on the map' she said. All became clear when I stopped at the ferry ramp.
We crossed the north arm of the Clarence River, tracked along the coastline of the northern end of Woodford Island, then over the spectacular old bridge to Maclean, Australia's 'Scottish Town'. When I pointed out that the power poles there have tartans painted around the base, Jo said she would try to spot the Buchanan tartan. Jan and I were dubious, but about three poles later there it was, right outside the Maclean Op Shop!
Just outside town, we also found a flame tree looking good enough to be photographed. Whereas it wouldn't 'blind the weary driver', it was putting on a better show than its cousins in Grafton.
Next stop, and our last for the trip, was Evans Head. We drove up onto the headland to drink in the view and then made a beeline for the bowls club. Our accommodation was to be in The Bowlo cabins, next door to, and run by, the club. What a good idea. You can walk to and from your accommodation for meals and drinkies, without ever having to worry about driving.
We were so thrilled by this arrangement that as soon as we had booked in (at the club itself), we had a celebratory drink before booking a table for dinner and heading to our cabin.
Because we could park right next to the steps, this was our chance to lug everything out of the car and show off our purchases.
Jo had snapped up a German mandoline in Gatton. Jan had not encountered one of these before, so we demonstrated it for her, and not to be outdone, she found one for herself in Coffs. It was not German but had more blade attachments. Jan's other acquisitions included six Hawaiian shirts for her brother Gary (as per instructions), as well as a skeleton costume just in time for Halloween. She couldn't resist it. Jo also did her sisterly duty and her brother Rob now has several more tasteless ties to add to his tasteless tie collection.
She also acquired a tableful of bric-a-brac, not all of which is in this photo.
Once the show was over, we headed back to the club for dinner, the limited-overs cricket on TV, and the Evans Head debut of band Fozzy Bear who, just quietly, were rather good.
Not in these outfits, by the way. These are just some examples of our Op Shop Chic.