Well I didn't do too well finding a pirate outfit for Michael. Nine op shops failed me there. However, I did pick up a book and a pair of earrings. And if you want a framed Wallebies jersey signed by John Eales, there's one in Vinnies at Proe Street, Newstead.
The highlight was seventeen pieces of Rosenthal china that I found at Vinnies, Northgate; left there nobly, stewed about them for a few hours at home, then went back to buy them.
Since I came home, I have done some research. The designer, Dorothy Hafner, has designed for Tiffany & Co as well as Rosenthal. 'Her works are in museum collections worldwide'. She designed the Flash tableware collection for Rosenthal in 1982. http://thechromologist.com/80s-design-classic-dorothy-hafners-flash/
I think I have just become a Flash collector, but only from op shops. The online prices are too high for me. The current online bid on ebay for one of the large plates I bought is more than I paid for all seventeen pieces. Please let me know if you see any out there.
The hot gossip is that the Op Shop strip at Capalaba will soon be no more. Save The Children, Endeavour and Footprints are side by side in Dollery Road, very central, with parking out front and well worth a visit, but their leases are up in October and will not be renewed. The block will become a development site. Honestly people! Priorities!
Anyway, further gossip is that Save The Children are soon to open shops in Chermside (yay) and Annerley. Annerley is already an op shop hot spot, so the customers are there already. Chermside is op shop deprived now that Lifeline has closed, as well as my beloved the RSPCA shop at Kedron.
Has it really been over a year? yes, I broke my foot, and yes, I lost my Mum, but something happened to my Op Shop mojo there for a while, and I'm not sure what caused it. I am only just starting to get it back.
I was downloading lots of old photos from my phone and found some old op shop pics, so thought that might be a good place to start again.
This one was taken at Neighbour's Aid, one of the big op shops at Lawnton - definitely worth a look - and is a reminder that no matter how flash your sign looks, it's a good idea to check the spelling before you print the sign.
The one on the left was taken at the Lifeline Super Store in Beaconsfield Street, Margate. This is the 'out the back' section, that you enter through the main full-sized op shop. We have picked up a couple of good things out here, from an office chair to an awesome Tupperware frypan. I had no idea that they made such things. There is plenty of parking over the road, and the huge Save the Children store is just up the hill.
Moving along to the excellent Lifeline at Everton Park, which I may have mentioned before - great book section - but also a place where I have been quite successful in the clothing department. On this particular day, I picked up a Tattersall's Club tie (although sorely tempted by the Pepe le Pew one), which Michael wears when he wants to impress! I found two nice semi-dressy tops there a couple of weeks ago.
And finally for this blog, one of Brisbane's best-kept secrets. This is the Lutheran Church op shop in Union Street Nundah. Parking can be difficult but there is a small 1-hour zone out the front. This little gem is packed with so much stuff you can hardly move around. Clothing, jewellery, Christmas decorations, kids' stuff, and a big bric-a-brac area downstairs out the back.
My challenge today is to find things piratical. Mike and I are going to a trivia night on Saturday where we have to dress as either sailors or pirates, and as we each have a pirate hat on hand, the choice seems obvious. The Lutheran Shop is going to be my first port of call (pardon the pun). I'll keep you posted...