Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Op Shop Shock

Today I had a list of things to do including dropping off a bag of donated goodies to my favourite op shop, the RSPCA Thrift Shop in Edinburgh Castle Road at Kedron. I had parked the car and was halfway across the street before I realised that empty windows were gazing at me.

The welcoming flag was no longer flapping on the footpath,and the old, peeling Adept Party Hire sign from the previous occupants of the building had reappeared from its hiding place behind the RSPCA signage.  I searched in vain for note explaining that they had moved to a new location, or why the door was shut.

There is a photo of the shop in all its fully functioning glory in my earlier post 'Dressing Up'. I was planning a future feature blog on this shop. Rats!

Undaunted, I retreated to my car and searched for answers in my phone.  No success, but a reminder that the RSPCA sorting centre was only a few blocks away at 46 Kate Street. There I learnt that the Brisbane City Council has resumed not only that building block, but the business next door 'and I think a couple of houses too'.  Hmmm, what does this mean?

Anyway, the good news is that the shop will reopen somewhere, sometime, but no details are finalised yet. Phew!